Thursday, February 5, 2015

Production Checkpoint 1

^^^ not the final background- just used that as an example

In the end, the animation is going to be pretty short, but I am going to do at least two more (using other portions of the same video) to make it into a series. It definitely won't take me as long to do the other two because now I know what I'm doing.

They will all have text on the side. For the one above, the text will relate to the idea of "spinning out of control".

(I couldn't render out what I had because in order to do that I would have to delete the video I'm using to trace. Once I finish tracing, I can delete the video.)

Some other side projects I've been working on:

2 of the photos from a session with bulldog puppies:

rest of the photos:

Creating a photo that look like the person is levitating: (not finished)

Experimenting with a character rig in After Effects:

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